This popular summer event features young players as classic fairy tale characters, performing monologues of their own creation. The stories are told along a walking trail at Jim Lambert’s Pioneer Village at Yellow Creek Park. Patrons enjoy a stroll through the village, and meet some fascinating personalities along the way!
“Fairy Tale Trail” takes place on Saturday, September 28. Tours will begin at 3:00 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:00 pm, and 4:30 pm.
Each tour is about 30 minutes long.
“Fairy Tale Trail” is made possible by funding by The BJ Killian Foundation; presented in coordination with Daviess County High School.
Our 2024-2025 Season Sponsor is Owensboro Health.
We’ll see you on the trail!
Tickets are $10.00
You may also purchase tickets by calling the TWO Box Office at 270-683-5333.